Antioch Waco Night School Structure

School Dates

The Night School begins in late August and runs through May. Students are given a Christmas Break between the Fall and Spring semesters.


Class time will include biblical teaching from the senior leaders of Antioch Waco as well as from around the Antioch Movement. Teachings will include topics such as kingdom values, character development, leadership equipping, theology and more.


Students will receive mentoring from others within the church who are farther along in their walk with the Lord, providing an opportunity to be challenged, encouraged, and grow in vulnerability.

Class Hours

Class takes place Monday & Thursday evenings from 6-10 pm and will include times of teaching, worship, prayer, evangelism, and more.


Night School tuition is $1950. All tuition must be submitted prior to the first day of class. If you are interested in the Night School but concerned about the tuition cost, please reach out.

Serving & Leadership Development

Students will be further activated and developed by serving in various leadership roles within the church as a part of their Night School experience. .

Application Process

If you are interested in the school let us know and we will follow up with next steps!

ADS Application Form


The Night School is directed by Trey Green. Trey and his wife Leigh Ann served overseas for many years and Trey currently is the Director of Mobilization for the Antioch Movement.


The Night School concludes with an outreach where you will get hands on experience in sharing the Gospel, making disciples and being a part of church planting.

Class Size

The Night School class is typically 40-60 students and provides a great opportunity to build relationships with your classmates as well as be invested in by seasoned leaders.


Class time will include participation in activities such as worship, prayer, leadership, evangelism, and discipleship. Students will be given the opportunity to step out of their comfort zones in a safe environment where they can practice and grow in these areas within community.


Students will supplement their time in the classroom by completing outside assignments such as book readings, scripture memorizations, and written reflections.