Antioch Waco Day School

School Dates

The Day School begins in late August and runs through mid-May. Students are given a Christmas Break between the Fall and Spring semesters.

Class Hours

Class takes place Monday-Thursday mornings from 8:30 am-12:30 pm and will include times of teaching, worship, prayer, evangelism, and more.


The Day School is directed by Sarah Grace Freeman. Sarah Grace is passionate about discipleship and has directed the Day School for the past two years.


Class time will include biblical teaching from experienced ministry leaders within Antioch Waco as well as from around the Antioch Movement. Teachings will include topics such as kingdom values, character development, leadership equipping, theology and more.


Class time will include participation in activities such as worship, prayer, leadership, evangelism, and discipleship. Students will be given the opportunity to step out of their comfort zones in a safe environment where they can practice and grow in these areas within community.


Class time will include consistent evangelism within the community as well as a multi-day Fall and Spring Outreach. The Day School will conclude with a 4-6 week Summer outreach overseas where students will be activated to walk in all they’ve learned throughout the school.


Students will receive mentoring from others within the church who are farther along in their walk with the Lord, providing an opportunity to be challenged, encouraged, and grow in vulnerability.


Students will be further activated and developed by consistently serving in an area of the church outside of the Day School.


Students will supplement their time in the classroom by completing outside assignments such as book readings, scripture memorizations, and written reflections.

Class Size

The Day School class is typically 10-20 students. The class is kept intentionally small in order to keep the instructor-to-student ratio at a level that maximizes connection within the class and development of individuals.


Day School tuition is $1950. All tuition must be submitted prior to the first day of class. If you are interested in the Day School but concerned about the tuition cost, please reach out.

Application Process

Applications are currently open and can be accessed here. Upon reviewing your application, we will be in contact with you to discuss next steps. Application deadline is July 31st.

  • We want each student to grow in knowing the Lord - not just knowing about Him, but knowing Him personally in real and meaningful ways.

  • We want each student to grow in their understanding of scripture and their ability to apply its truth to their everyday lives.

  • We want each student to grow in their understanding of who God says they are and be empowered to walk in the fullness of their true identity.

  • We want each student to become more like Jesus in the ways they make decisions, interact with others, and carry out their everyday life.

  • We want each student to be given the opportunity to practice spiritual disciplines and understand their value and impact on their relationship with God.

  • We want each student to experience an increasing presence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their life - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

  • We want each student to grow in their hunger and willingness to be sharpened, challenged, and held accountable by others around them.

  • We want each student to grow in building and maintaining healthy relationships in a way that honors Jesus and demonstrates his love to the world.

  • We want each student to develop a sense of the unique calling God has for their life as an individual within the Body of Christ.

  • We want each student to grow in their confidence and ability to lead others in a humble and servant-hearted way.

  • We want each student to grow in confidence in sharing the gospel and discipling those around them in a humble, bold, and loving way.

  • We want each student to grow in their confidence in both participating in and facilitating times of life-giving prayer and worship.

  • We want each student to discover what it looks like to manage and steward their personal finances in a way that honors God and builds up the Kingdom.
